Happy workers in the garden and Fun Facts!


Afternoon gardening fun in the sun! ๐ŸŒž

Need a hand friend? 

Fun Fact:  Are Cucumbers  ๐Ÿฅ’a vegetable or fruit?


8 Fruits you think are vegetables.

Healthy Snack Recipe

Do you like bananas? Do you like chocolate?
I know we do. Here's a recipe for you. 

Click the hyperlink below:


  1. If 100 years ago fruits were not taxed, then why would vegetables be taxed? Weird.

  2. Eggplants are actually BERRIES?!?!

  3. I laughed when the article said that "ratatouille, made from tomato, eggplant, and squash, is just a baked fruit salad." Ewww, baked fruit salad. Hahaha!


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