
Showing posts from April, 2024

Our first morning Huddle (Standup Meeting).

 Today we had our first morning Standup aka "Huddle"   "A morning huddle is an opportunity to follow-up on the previous day’s tasks, assign new tasks, and share any news, Idea or information relevant to our team. Regardless of the actual content of the meeting, it serves as a tool for the entire team to regroup and prepare for the day."   What was on the agenda: Morning check in. Everyone had a chance to talk briefly about how their days went yesterday. Question #: What tasks did we work on yesterday?  Posted to our Blog Checked on our garden. Discovered squirrel friends got in so we had to re-secure the netting. What tasks will I work on or complete tomorrow? Check the weather forecast Pay our 1st of the month (May) bills. What barriers are there to complete our tasks? Paying Bills: Some are working . Solution: paying bills the next class day or may on Fun Friday. Inclement weather: Solutions: W

First Day Day -2024 Gardening Experience

We're underway.  Green Thumb Gardeners   ACTIVATE! 🌞Let's hear from some of our Green Thumbs!πŸ’₯ about their first day of 2024 gardening experience. We partners in the Goodwill House! Yay! Thank you for your volunteer time and making our days AMAZING! On 4/19/24 we had two people from the community volunteer in the garden – Jeff and Hussam. Thank you Jeff and Hussam for being Great Green Thumb Garden volunteers!πŸ… Let's hear fron Latoya! Latoya: "I put the plants on the bucket. I followed directions and helped Ms. Shannon out. I watered the plants."  Latoya reported that first, "I put the gloves on." Latoya also reported it was a sunny.  She also reported her she will be getting a Certificate of Participation. Thank you Latoya for being a great Green Thumb Gardener! Next up let's hear from Michael! Michael reports, "I worked outside with the dirt. I did digging, used the shovel, it was a small shovel and covered the dirt. And the lady named Can

Starting those starter seeds and plants...

🌱   When the weather is iffy  here's how to get started in a jiffy! When the weather is cold (brrr!☁) here are suggestions from Now Gardening (@NowGardening) on starting seeds indoors.                                 Get your starters started! STARTING SEEDS INDOORS & What Works EVERY Time! Click here to view: πŸ‘‡ 

Plant Fest Postponed

  Our first day of gardening has been postponed due to weather. Rescheduled date to come soon! Happy gardening!